My story

Experiences that have inspired my commitment to guiding leaders towards their own balance of success and fulfilment.


Hello!  I'm Helen

Welcome to my page where I share some of what's important to me...



I'm guessing that you're looking to make a change and are ready to do something different. But you're not certain where to start.


You have most likely tried various interventions but still not seeing the results you need. And you're partner and children are resenting the time you spend at work rather than with them. It feels relentless and lonely.


 You're feeling "stuck" and hesitant to invest more money without 'guaranteeing' tangible results. 


I’ve been there.  I get it! I'd love to share some of my journey with you.


My journey: coaching


As the sole breadwinner for my two children after my marriage fell apart, I weathered 5 redundancies. It was tough. Constantly building my career in different organisations meant that I spent too long working. And not enough time with my 2 gorgeous kids.  Even being signed off with depression at one company.


My breakthrough happened when I shared my frustrations with my Coach. With her support, I made some decisions which appeared insurmountable when I thought about them alone.


They were life-changing for me.  I finally had the time to sit and eat an evening meal with my children. 


And it felt like heaven. 

What would feel like heaven to you?


My journey: commercial leadership


Starting in sales and with experience in business development, project management leadership and L&D, I have a strong and successful commercial background. 


I've also recruited & led 10+ teams, leading them to high performance with numerous awards. 


I know first-hand how important the Leadership Team is to actively creating an effective business and culture which is why I have chosen to invest my time here. Where it can have the biggest impact.


My first 25+ clients were all people who had worked with me previously and chose to place their trust in me, once more.


What would you need to know, to place your trust in me?


My journey: measurable results


I started work as a dietitian in the NHS and helped 1000's of people improve their physical and mental health by focusing on what they wanted their future to hold.


In medicine, there are so many tools to track and measure impact that this became routine for me.  This continued through every role thereafter, including measuring the strategic impact of L&D and coaching. How often have you seen that?


Working with one leadership team  resulted not only in a significant business impact and cultural shift but won them the Employee Experience Award for Best Business Culture.


What would you like your leadership legacy to be?

And how will you measure your progress? 



ICF-credentialed coaches like me have met stringent education and experience requirements to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the coaching competencies that set the standard in the profession. 


We adhere to strict ethical guidelines as part of ICF's mission to protect and serve our clients. 


Below, you will see numerous accreditations and partnerships which support my experience and success.

No obligation. Let's chat and see if we align!

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