The Being Profile®

Find out more about my why I choose the Being Profile®

Throughout my career, I have enabled people, teams and companies to reach their goals.


I was lucky enough to study psychology and motivational change as part of my degree and this has underpinned my success in every role whether it was with patients, Health Care Practitioners, commercial professionals or individual clients.

I am accredited in and have worked with numerous tools throughout my career.  Most of these measure peoples' behaviours and categorise them into different sections.


Whilst these tools are great at raising awareness, especially in teams, they don't go beneath the surface and help you understand why you're behaving as you do.  And that's where it gets fascinating.

The Being Profile® - a new level of effectiveness

"I recently completed the Being Profile® with Helen, and it was a great experience. The insights I gained into my unique Aspects of Being have boosted my personal and professional performance. Helen’s facilitation was exceptional, guiding me to lead with authenticity, integrity, and commitment

The Being Profile is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to achieve new levels of effectiveness and results. Highly recommended!"  

Paula B, Commercial BioPharma Executive | Senior Advisor | Board Director | Mentor 

The Being Profile® powers the work of purposeful leaders who are committed to performance. 


Unlike other tools, this tool measures the drivers behind your decisions and the behaviours which people see and identifies your path forwards to achieve the results which will take you to the next level. 


Working with me, you have the option to complete two analyses - one at the beginning and one at the end of our collaboration. With this, you'll receive a side-by-side comparison of your progress and achievement. 

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